Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Renegades of Funk.

Zulu Nations
Tom Paine
Malcom X
Martin Luther King
Sitting Bull

They were all people who stood up for their and their people's beliefs and helped change society today was we know it. They were political figures and changed the world either peacefully or violently.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Meow

She has Kidney Problems. She's going to get a dialysis. The total cost would be over 15,000$
Her owner is a loving caring person that is willing to go through a lot for his pet.
The veterinarian is very professional and nice. She is very organized and prepared.
He isn't the kind of person you'd expect to pay for his pet's health, but he is probably doing so because of the misfortune he and his wife have been through.
Part 2 talks about the growth of pets and adaption into human lives. Also, about the two famous animal hospitals and the various strange things going on inside.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Last Meow

Animals to me, aren't very important in my life.
They are only somewhat important, but not to a high degree.
To the others I know, animals aren't much either, unless they are their pets.
I've had pets when I was little, but they didn't last very long. For now, I only have 2 pet birds that don't do much.. I don't really consider them good pets either cause they're scared of me :(.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Acting as if it's alright.
Playing my part in this audition.
Seeing the incredible sight.
Of them dictating my position.
Photographs in my eyes.
Location, unknown.
Manacles of my despise
My motivations are sewn.
Their legs are gone, the bi-peds mutilated
Populicide has taken effect
Portraying a hero for those humiliated
The victims of the bullying wreck
Spectate our pain
Our lives extracted from us
Vividly insane
The end to bullying is a must.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Something important to die for?

Something I'd die for would probably be my family.
Not my family as of now, but my family in the future, my wife and kids.
Also, maybe my little sister.
I'd take a bullet for the next generation.

My life is valuable to me, though selfish, it's a way of life.
There is only few I'd give it up for.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


If My house was destroyed, I'd cry.
I have a lot of things I hold dear, not just material things like clothes, but other stuff too.
Also, that would be pure money burning and hard work. By hardwork, I mean the stuff I spent time to make and get.
I'd mainly be upset to lose my clothes, and guitar, but as long as the family was safe, it'd be okay.
I'd most likely go stay at my friend's house for awhile, while my family stays somewhere else..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Re: Quest

1: Analyzing A Novel
2: "Here Follow Some Verses Upon The Burning Of Our House, July 10, 1666"
3: Researched for him? (Googled, couldn't find in book)
4: Plenos Poderes
5: Don't be too straight forward?
6:Go down Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell old Pharaoh
To let my people go.
7: Theor, to look at/view
8: Do not use "I"
9: Prewriting, Writing, Revising, and Publishing.
10: Stay Clam, Track Your Time, and Master The Directions

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Re: Rumors

I haven't heard any rumors recently, or atleast, I really can't remember.
Anyhow, I think the one who has control when rumors are spread if the one who spreads it. The one whom the rumor is about has little control. Sure, they can try to clear it up or tell people the truth, but most people follow rumors.